

Botho University has put in place a robust departmental structure to assist the institution in its endeavour to grow research. Research is managed by the Library, Teaching and Research Excellence (LTRE) Department within the Office of Quality Management (OQM). Spearheaded by the Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (DPVC) of Academic and Quality, LTRE handles all aspects of research including administration of calls for proposals, processing of applications for research grants, research permits, publication fees and other research-related activities such as funding to attend and present at conferences and workshops.

While support is provided for staff who wish to present at renowned conferences worldwide as well as staff who wish to publish in reputable journals, staff are encouraged to engage external collaborators as Botho University seeks to establish research partnerships around the world that will lead to meaningful research that has impact.

  • Botho University International Research Conference (BUIRC 2025)

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  • Oscar 2.0

    Botho University, proud part of Oscar 2.0 research initiative, funded by European Union. OSCAR 2.0 project (ref. nr. 101129127) funded by ERASMUS + (Key Action 2: Capacity Building for Higher Education), a European funding programme aims to foster the effective digital transformation of education and science to develop digital infrastructure and connections, by boosting the […]

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  • Research Publications

    Botho University has put in place a robust departmental structure to assist the institution in its endeavour to grow research. Research is managed by the Library, Teaching and Research Excellence (LTRE) Department within the Office of Quality Management (OQM). Spearheaded by the Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor (DPVC) of Academic and Quality, LTRE handles all aspects of […]

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  • Teaching and Learning

    Coherent Philosophy of Education Botho University’s teaching approach is based on a coherent philosophy of education. The university’s Learning, Teaching and Assessment (LTA) strategy is constructively aligned to its overall strategy, mission, vision, values as reflected in the Botho Graduate Profile (BGP).  The strategy aims to deliver quality education that will produce innovative, well rounded, […]

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